Perception Versus Reality

It’s so funny thinking about what life would be like after I gave birth. I thought I’d be resigned to my home and up every three hours at night, and I wouldn’t get anything done for myself. But it actually became the opposite. Instead of having less time for myself, I found that I was so committed to having an organized mom life at home and to be able to take care of my husband and everything else that I became better as a person. I was able to multi-task more. I was able to enjoy time with my friends more because it was happening a lot less. I was even able to have confidence.

Motivation for Life

You know, I looked at my daughter for the first time and I said, ‘I can’t just be this mom that just kind of gets through life taking care of everybody else.’ I want her to have a great role model. I want her to know how important she is. So I started treating myself differently in the interim. I started a business. I decided I wanted to leave a legacy for her. I could tell you my life didn’t start until I became a mom. And everybody tells you your life is over when you have a kid it’s not true.

The Greatest Joy

I mean, you can’t explain it until you become a parent, but everything else has so much less meaning. All the things you used to worry about and then all the important stuff comes into focus. And you’re able to just live on a different level because you’re living for somebody else. it’s pretty amazing how you transform as a human being. And you know, all I can say is if you’re worried about how life will be, leave the worry behind. A baby feels everything anyway, and it all falls into place. Things just sort of have a way of working out that way.