Exercises In Pregnancy

“I get this question a lot, so I’ll keep it super simple. Of course, walking (is great). If you have already been a runner, depending on how far along you are, (running may be fine through the first (and) some of the second trimesters. But as your center of gravity changes, I’d be a little bit more mindful of the running sensation, trying to make sure that you are not doing a lot of pounding. Because again, that can disrupt the flow of your pelvic girdle muscles. The stationary bike (is also good for cardiovascular exercise).  Swimming is great because it takes gravity out of the equation. You can do some resistance exercises, so feel free to get in the pool. You can do some water aerobics classes. Those are pretty awesome.”

Strength Training in Pregnancy

“As far as strength training, I get that question a lot (too). ‘What can I do as a pregnant mom?’ You can do light weights. So, three, five, maybe eight pounds of strike training, or what we call weightlifting. Be mindful if you are doing any overhead activities that you make sure that your upper body is in alignment. That is really important to make sure that you’re not having a lot of pressure in your center of gravity. You can do squats, you can do lunges, you can do those types of fundamentals. We call (these) fundamental exercises as long as you’re in proper alignment.”

“If you need to hire a fitness professional, that would be my best recommendation versus taking a class. A lot of times, you are going to have one person versus a whole group of people. Often in group classes, you get lost in the crowd. Consult your primary care provider before you start any exercise program. Then they’ll be able to tell you where you should be able to start. You can continue to progress throughout your pregnancy. Just be mindful of proper alignment and making sure that you’re not overexerting yourself for you and for baby.”