Essential Info: Labor Inductions
ANSWER “An induction Is probably one of the most common interventions done in a hospital setting. There’s various reasons that may necessitate an induction. There are various reasons that may just facilitate psychosocial issues. We are in a community here in Savannah, of a lot of military, somebody maybe being deployed. Somebody may be only here for a short period of time. Those are things that might be considered for inductions. The majority of the time, there’s not a real good reason. A lot of time. It’s convenience and these are considered elective inductions. Many years ago because of the negative impact that was found, and as far as babies outcome as well as mom’s outcome, the march of dimes started a project called the big five project that eliminated elective deliveries prior to 39 weeks. And even at 39 weeks we realized that there are still advantages for the baby to be, to remain inside and go into spontaneous labor.
So if your care provider approaches you about induction, your first question should be why. If the indications for induction sometimes would be diabetes of the mother. Hypertension issues with a mother, an estimated large baby, is not necessarily reason for an induction. Because you are dilated is not necessarily a reason for an induction. These are things that you need to understand and what your options are and what the implications are. There are neonatal and maternal negative results from these unnecessary interventions. Anytime we do an induction, even if it’s indicated, we know statistically you have a greater risk of having a Cesarean. There are different methods today that can be used for induction. Those have helped to give us better options and more personalized choices as to how to handle inductions. They’re usually three different types.
One is pitocin and that’s the one that’s been around forever and ever. That’s an IV drip that stimulates the uterus to contract. There is a process called a Cervidil induction or cervical ripening, which is a product that has medication in it that’s put in the vagina and helps to prepare the body for induction with the pitocin. There is a cervical balloon that actually mechanically goes in and opens up the cervix and stimulates the release of prostaglandin that would also bring on contractions. So there are different types. At the birth center, we have our own methods of induction. If it is needed. You can use a breast pump, breast stimulation. There are herbs that you can use. There are different types of it. So I would say that when the topic of induction comes up, number one, is there a medical indication? Is there an obstetrical indication? What is the implication to you? What is the implication to your baby? And it is something that you should understand and you should be given alternatives and options for. But again, this is something that you need to educate yourself on and ask the right questions.”