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Kerry Tuschhoff, HCHI, CHt, CI

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Founder and Director of Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis, Kerry Tuschhoff is a nationally renowned speaker and writer on a wide range of women's pregnancy and childbirth concerns. Her subjects include prenatal and childbirth choices, medical informed consent issues, health and low-risk status concerns, comfort in childbirth, the power of birth language and midwifery advocacy. As a childbirth educator for 30 years, a doula and hypnotherapist, Kerry has developed many educational programs for birthing mothers, medical and childbirth professionals and hypnotherapists. These efforts have become immensely popular and have started a chain-reaction of interest to change the way women give birth, how newborns are treated, and the way natural childbirth is perceived by the general public as well as the medical community. Kerry created a very comprehensive natural childbirth program of her own; Hypnobabies. This unique program has trained many thousands of women to use medical-grade hypnotherapy techniques and give birth unmedicated in a much easier and more comfortable way.