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Session Length: 60 Minutes
Contact Hours for CEUs: 1.0 (ACNM and MEAC)
Delivery Method: Lecture, Discussion, Live Streaming Video, Pre-Recorded Video
What IS Change Leadership? Amber will go over principals of change leadership specifically in Healthcare such as how to identify a problem and develop a vision. She will then walk attendees through how the vision develops into leading people, developing and leading processes, and measuring change that takes place.
Behavioral Objectives
- The learner will be able to articulate the one specific leadership strategy that affects change
- The learner will be able to describe two specific implementations that help drive a positive birth culture
- The learner will be able to state a specific goal of change leadership in healthcare as it relates to maternal outcomes
Content Outline Of Session
- Principles of change leadership
- Identifying a problem
- Developing a vision
- Leading people
- Leading processes
- Measuring change