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Session Title: Shared Decision Making in Tandem with Shared Responsibility; Optimizing the Birth Experience for Patient and Provider.
Contact Hours for CEUs: 1.5 (ACNM and MEAC)
Session Length: 90 Minutes
Delivery Method: Lecture, Discussion, Live Streaming Video, Pre-Recorded Video
Behavioral Learning Objectives: The following topics will be discussed to give “tools” to the patient to better engage the Obstetrician, Midwife, Nursing staff, Doula and Childbirth Professionals, affirming a healthy birth process for all involved.
Content Outline of Session:
Discussing each topic below and offering tools for a more positive experience for all involved. The See Baby experience with MFM working with Midwives and Doulas will also be reviewed
- Rupture of membranes at or near term (10 minutes)
- Post dates monitoring/Fetal surveillance,Fetal Heart Rate monitoring during labor (intermittent or continuous) (15 minutes)
- IUGR and fetal surveillance (10 minutes)
- Induction of labor (10 minutes)
- Diabetes at term (10 minutes)
- IVF, AMA, CHTN, and Thrombophilia at term (15 minutes)
- Twins, Breech, and VBAC (20 minutes)