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Our goal is to provide relevant and evidential information about all aspects of birth (conception, pregnancy, labor & delivery, postpartum support and newborn care) in a concise manner.

PODCAST: Birthpedia Podcast Episode 2: Barbara Harper of Waterbirth International

Description On this episode of the Birthpedia Podcast Justine interviews Barber Harper, founder of Waterbirth International and leading voice for childbirth and maternal care reform,...

Top 8 Reasons to Try Acupuncture During Pregnancy

written by Dr. Keith Bell  Acupuncture has steadily gained popularity over the last decade thanks to its proven track record for improving fertility, resolving nausea...

Ten Things I Am Glad I Knew Before My VBAC 

Written by Jaimie Schrock When I had a positive pregnancy test six years ago, I knew I couldn’t consent to a fourth c-section. I just...
Do How to Change a Newborns Diaper 900pxvideo

DO: How to Change a Newborn’s Diaper?

Change a Newborns Diaper: Things to Consider "Hi, my name is Amber. I'm a...