Shannon Burdeshaw, CPM
ASK: I’m about 16 weeks pregnant and my baby isn’t moving, is this normal?
Normal Fetal Movement at 16 Weeks
"Typically, you will feel movement every day after 18 weeks pregnant. Some women feel movement every day earlier than...
ASK: How do babies get “stuck” in labor? (shoulder dystocia)
ANSWER "How do babies get stuck in labor? A true shoulder dystocia is when the baby's shoulder, the bony prominence is stuck up behind...
SHARE: My Birth Story-Too Small to VBAC
VBAC Birth Stories
ANSWER: "My husband and I were very young and I had grown up in a small rural town and the same physician...
ASK: What do I do if my baby gets stuck during labor?
A question that we're often asked is, what happens if my baby gets stuck while I'm at a birth center at a...