Sheila Love, CNM
ASK: I just found out I’m pregnant! Am I alone in my fear of...
You are Not Alone
You're not alone in your fear of pain. Every woman fears the pain of labor. It is our job to educate...
ASK: I’m nervous about how my body will change while I’m pregnant. What can...
Changing Body in Pregnancy
We're in a world that is very focused on body image. Many of our young girls have body image issues. We...
ASK: I’m afraid for the health of my baby -What decisions should I make...
Fear for Baby's Health
Moms fear about their babies and their baby's health. Even healthcare providers fear delivering babies. Everybody wants to have a healthy...
ASK: I’m scared and I’m pregnant how can a midwife help?
Pregnant and Afraid
I know that you're feeling a lot of new things, a part of those things are physiological, that you're feeling. Your body...
ASK: What could my body experience while going through a labor induction?
Essential Info: Labor Induction
ANSWER "Many things occur with moms prior to going into labor. There is a physiological changing of your body. There's a...
ASK: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Pitocin used in inductions?
Pitocin Induction For Labor: Is it Necessary?
“Induction can have some negative impacts on...
ASK: What is some essential info I need to know about inductions?
Essential Info: Labor Inductions
ANSWER "An induction Is probably one of the most common interventions done in a hospital setting. There's various reasons that may...
SHARE: Why is birth important?
ANSWER "Birth is the survival of our society. Without birth, without procreation. None of us would be here. This is a physiological...