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Session Length: 60 minutes
Contact Hours for CEUs: 1.0 (ACNM and MEAC)
Teaching Methods:
- Lecture
- Participatory discussion
- Powerpoint
- Live Streaming Video
- Pre-recorded Video
Behavioral Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lecture, attendees will feel more empowered and knowledgeable regarding vaginal breech deliveries. They will be equipped with tools to refocus the conversation on a positive experience and outcomes. They will also have solid examples of what a family centered cesarean looks like and know how they can best support families having a cesarean delivery due to a baby in the breech position.
Content Outline of Session:
- Vaginal Breech, the basics, changing the mindset of the patient & providers. (20 minutes)
- Vaginal Breech, the “tools” to refocus the conversation on a positive experience & outcomes. (20 minutes)
- Breech by Cesarean, what does a Family Centered cesarean look like (20 minutes)