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Newly Pregnant? Get started with Birthpedia

Trying to find your way around? First of all, welcome! Thank you for taking the time to check out Birthpedia. Birthpedia offers video based information on topics throughout your pregnancy and postpartum journey. Birthpedia brings the expert to you by having birth professionals answer your frequently asked questions.

Watch Videos By Semester

Newly Pregnant?

Try starting here with some of our most watched videos for your first trimester.

2nd Trimester

If you are farther along, here are the videos for those months where you generally have more energy!

3rd Trimester

If you are close to your due date, watch some of our labor prep videos

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Just browsing? Birthpedia’s topics include conception, pregnancy, labor & delivery, postpartum, and newborn care. These topics are broken down into three main sections.


In this section, you will find all of the videos for the frequently asked questions regarding conception, pregnancy, labor & delivery, postpartum and newborn care answered by a birth professional.


In this section, you will find more in-depth video content for things that you can “do” to support your journey. This includes wellness topics such as exercise and nutrition, labor and delivery prep, and newborn instructionals.


In this section, you will find inspirational stories shared by Birthpedia’s contributors as well as birth stories. Do you have an inspiring birth story to share? We want to hear from you! Click here to send us your story.

We are here for you!

All the stages of bringing new life into the world…from preconception, pregnancy, birth, to the postpartum and newborn stage, can feel so overwhelming and confusing at times. Birthpedia exists to come alongside you in your journey. We have tried to include other important questions that might be hard to ask at provider appointments concerning anxiety or life circumstances, for example, see below "Pregnancy Confessionals." We are here for you! We are also a growing resource. Is there a question you have that hasn’t been answered? Please e-mail [email protected] and let us know so we can continue to grow the largest video library of birth professionals and support expecting families.

Pregnancy Confessionals