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Tag: choosing the right provider


ASK: What are the differences between a CPM and a CNM as my midwife...

The Difference is in Education "So I often get the question as a nurse-midwife who practices in the hospital, what makes a nurse-midwife in the...

ASK: How do I approach choosing either a doctor or a midwife to be...

Choosing a Doctor or Midwife for Birth "How do you choose between a doctor and a midwife to take care of you? Well, you've got...

ASK: What happens if complications arise during my labor that my midwife isn’t trained...

Midwives an Obstetrical Emergencies "What do you do if you have a midwife that's taking care of you during your labor and you have an...

ASK: What is the difference between a CPM and CNM Midwife- Does it matter...

Difference Between a (Certified Professional Midwife) CPM and a CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife) "CPM stands for Certified Professional Midwife. CPM's are certified by the North...

ASK: What questions should I be asking when choosing an obstetrician?

What questions should I be asking when choosing an obstetrician “When you're looking for an obstetrician for care, you want to talk to them about...