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Session Length: 60 Minutes
Contact Hours for CEUs: 1.0 (ACNM and MEAC) must pass the quiz given after completed in order to obtain contact hours. There is a short quiz to take after watching the video in order to obtain your certificate for CEUs.
Teaching /Delivery Methods: PowerPoint, Lecture, Participation, Live Stream Video, Pre-recorded Video
Behavioral Learning Objectives:
- Identify risk factors for shoulder dystocia
- Discuss incidence of shoulder dystocia in the USA
- Review best management strategies when shoulder dystocia is diagnosed
- Best practices in debriefing in shoulder dystocia
- Identify midwifery philosophy in management of traumatic birth

Content Outline of Session:
- Introduction to the problem and discussion of risk factors and incidence of shoulder dystocia- 10 minutes Houston
- Discussion on best practices related to shoulder dystocia with simulated demonstration using ALSO guidelines-10 minutes Nelly
- How to debrief with clients and families following unexpected outcomes including birth trauma- 15 minutes Williams
- Midwifery philosophy and effective debriefing strategies for families -10 minutes ALL
- Wrap up and questions- 15 minutes ALL