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Tag: nutrition

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ASK: What are some reasons why I could be told I can’t have a...

Risks of VBAC The major reason why women are told that they need to have a repeat cesarean has to do with number one, the...
Dr Keith Bell-Acupuncturist-Fertility-Specialist - Lifestyle choicesvideo

ASK: Is there a specific diet of food to help me get pregnant?

Foods That Enhance Fertility “People ask if there's a specific diet or food that can enhance their fertility, and in many different traditions, in many...

ASK: Should I still take my prenatal supplements after having my baby?

[TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER} Prenatal Supplements Postpartum "Absolutely! You should definitely continue whatever program you were on while you were pregnant as far as supplements and prenatals...

ASK: Is saturated fat bad for me or my baby?

Saturated Fat in Pregnancy "There's a big misconception about saturated fat. You know the outer casing of your cell is actually saturated fat. So saturated...

ASK: What are some foods I should incorporate into my diet while pregnant?

Foods to Incorporate in Pregnancy "Healthy fats are just one of my favorite foods to include while you're pregnant. Avocados would be one of them....

ASK: What type of protein should I be eating while pregnant?

Protein Sources in Pregnancy "Protein sources (in pregnancy), I think are very important, what we're putting into our body. So you know pasture-fed eggs are...

ASK: What nutrients do I need after I have my baby?

The main nutritional requirement. Once you have your baby is fat, you need fat. A baby's brain is going to need a lot of...