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Tag: third trimester


ASK: How can I get better sleep while in my third trimester of my...

Sleep in The Third Trimester of Pregnancy "Sleep is tricky when you're pregnant and so there are lots of things you need to know. The...
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ASK: I think I lost my mucus plug. How do I know when I...

What is the Mucous Plug? "So if you think you lost your mucous plug, don't freak out. The mucous plug is just a protection for...

ASK: What are the physical changes that happen in my body during the third...

Physical Changes in the Third Trimester "The (physical) changes for the mom and baby during the third trimester are all getting things ready for the...

ASK: What noises are too loud for my baby while in the womb?

What Noises are Too Loud for Baby? "Your baby is very well protected in the womb so there is really nothing that I know of...

ASK: How much weight can I lift during my third trimester of pregnancy?

Weight Lifting in Pregnancy "When you are in your third trimester, really lifting five to 10 pounds max, depending on where you are as far...