Herbs in Pregnancy

“It particularly depends on you. It also depends on the herbs. Herbs are regulated and, unfortunately, most people think they are not. The FDA (regulates herbs) and what they contain and they have to be labeled properly. Some herbs are contaminated, but there are some simple herbs that are food herbs, like oats, and chamomile that can be calming for morning sickness or an upset stomach, or just to calm a nervous mom.

Caution is Needed

There are certain herbs that you cannot take during pregnancy because they work as abortifacients, and that can be devastating for some moms who especially have tried very hard to get pregnant and maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Herbs in Food

There are some that are foods. You can usually eat those in food amounts like spices. But, (you should) not just go on your own and take herbs. Start with your food-based herbs, then consult with your care provider, a midwife, or a clinical herbalist with your foods and your herbs so that you can get the best outcomes during pregnancy and or breastfeeding.”

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