What Is the Physiological Process of Actually Being Fertile?

“So let me, let me start. I think people don’t realize it, that all women are actually born with a finite number of eggs. On average when you were born, it’s about a million eggs. And when you go through puberty, puberty around age 12 or so, you, you have about a natural attrition to 250,000. This is called your egg reserve. And I always, always kind of equate this to your bank account, right? This is what dictates what your fertility is. And we will measure that as a fertility doctor a lot of times, in just like your bank attack bank account dictates, your success or what you can do each month, as far as your mortgage and things like that. It helps us understand the environment of your fertility by understanding your bank account. People that have too low of an egg count or people with too high of an egg count often have trouble, with ovulation or release of an egg.

So, that’s extremely important. 

Fertility and Number of Eggs Association.

So, if an average person has a normal amount of eggs, then each month, believe it or not, you actually start off with a group of eggs on the right ovary, maybe about 10 to 15 on average, and on the left, maybe 10 to 15. So you actually start off with 30 immature eggs. Immature just means that I don’t care how much sperm is around, nothing’s going to happen. You’re not going to fertilize that egg. That egg is not going to be able to take that sperm and become a baby. And so what’s really neat is that your brain in the beginning of the month, realizes this and gives you hormone in hormone if you think about is like food and it grows. You have lots of hormones for the first day of your horse, of your, first seven days of your cycle, and it’s growing all these eggs and it’s growing all 30 eggs.

How Do We Know Our Egg Is Ready?

But what do women do is that they drop their hormone about seven days. So you go from feast to famine and one of those eggs kind of wins. And the other 29 in my example dies away and that one egg keeps growing and growing and it sends up estrogen and it tells the brain, Hey, I’m ready. My egg inside is mature and everybody asks me this question. How do I know if my egg is ready? Your egg doesn’t. Your egg knows it and it, and it tells your brain and when it tells, it tells your brain by sending that estrogen signal and your brain surges. This LH hormone, routinizing hormone and FSH, follicular stimulating hormone, LH is the hormone that you use with those ovulation predictor kits and about 36 to 40 hours later, that egg actually releases out of this cystic sack fluid-filled SAC called a cyst that releases this ag and that fluid-filled SAC.

About Corpus luteum

That cyst metamorphosized is into a new type of cyst called a Corpus luteum and the Corpus luteum. His job is to make progesterone, which now supports the lining. Remember, we’re first of all. A lot of times people think that cyst are bad in generally they are for many other things. But assists by definitions of fluid-filled. SAC in every single egg is in a fluid-filled SAC. So when we say you have polycystic syndrome, we have lots of cysts. That’s means you have a lot of eggs actually a lot of times. And so, what you have to realize is that the egg releases out of its little SAC and you have 24 hours to fertilize that egg. Sperm has to be around around that time. And if you don’t, you’re gonna miss that fertile window”