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ASK: How does acupuncture help in my third trimester of my pregnancy?

Acupuncture in the Third Trimester "As an acupuncturist, the treatment of back pain in the third trimester involves positioning the patient to be comfortable for...

ASK: Is it normal to be spotting blood during my pregnancy?

Spotting in Pregnancy If you are spotting and it's bright red blood, and it will be around the time of your period, I wouldn't worry...
Margie Wallis- Pregnancy Baby Droppedvideo

ASK: What does it mean my “baby dropped” or my provider talking about “stations”?

When Does "Baby Dropped" Happen? "One of the things that people say about moms is,...

SHARE: Birth Team Assemble!

A Birth Story - from a doula’s perspective This story is written from my perspective as the doula, based on what I witnessed and documented....

ASK: I’m in my second trimester and I’m feeling crampy. Is this normal?

Cramping in the Second Trimester "So, here you are. You are approaching your twentieth week of pregnancy and you think things are going well. And...

ASK: What is the difference between a CPM and CNM Midwife- Does it matter...

Difference Between a (Certified Professional Midwife) CPM and a CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife) "CPM stands for Certified Professional Midwife. CPM's are certified by the North...

ASK: Is it normal to get yeast infections while pregnant?

Vaginal Discharge in Pregnancy "Pregnancy can predispose you a little bit more to yeast infections because of the hormones (of pregnancy). But, it is also...

ASK: How much weight can I lift during my third trimester of pregnancy?

Weight Lifting in Pregnancy "When you are in your third trimester, really lifting five to 10 pounds max, depending on where you are as far...

ASK: I just found out I’m pregnant, and I’m afraid of giving birth. ...

Afraid of Giving Birth? “Your birth should not be a traumatic experience for you. It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to...