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ASK: What questions should I be asking when choosing an obstetrician?

What questions should I be asking when choosing an obstetrician “When you're looking for an obstetrician for care, you want to talk to them about...
Common Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: Labor essentials; How do I time a contraction? Use an app?

Early Labor Signs: Time a Contraction ANSWER "The way your time of contraction is from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the...
Common Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: I think I am in labor or close to early stages of labor....

Essential Info: Early Stages of Labor that I Call My Provider ANSWER "So you may be wondering when it's time to call your provider, as...
Questions About Pregnancyvideo

ASK: What could my body experience while going through a labor induction?

Essential Info: Labor Induction  ANSWER "Many things occur with moms prior to going into labor. There is a physiological changing of your body. There's a...