Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates
Hi, I’m Dr. Vurnett. I am a movement and cognitions specialist, extensive background in kinesiology. So the study of movement, and I also have a degree in chiropractic. So I look at focusing on realigning the body through the neuro muscular system. So your nervous system and your muscles, just to make sure that they’re working together and properly. So today we’re going to go through a Pilates workouts. It’s going to be super simple. I’ll do a lot of modifications. So you are already familiar with Pilates. Don’t worry about it. Go ahead and go within your body and your advancement. If there’s some movement patterns that make you feel a little uncomfortable, that’s fine too. Just hang back. Don’t do that part of it. And then with any exercise program or anything that’s new to your body, whether you’re trying to conceive, or you have a little baby growing in there, or you already had side baby, then make sure that you are communicating with your primary care providers.
So that way they know your game plan in your movement patterns, and that you’re doing all these movements within your limitations. So just honor the body that you have right now because it’s ever changing. So with that being said, we’ll work maybe about 15 minutes. We’ll see how it goes. And again, if there’s something that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, just hang back and distressed a little bit. Okay. So let’s go ahead and get started. We are going to start in a seated position. Now what I like to tell my clients, especially my mommies is that when you’re in your second and your third trimester, you’re probably going to do these movement patterns with some type of back support. So that way you’re not fully lying down, which I’m sure, you know, at this point, if you’re already in your secondary, third trimester, this is no bueno, right?
So if you are looking to conceive during a first trimester or postpartum, and you don’t have any limitations with like herniations or anything like that, then you can work within this particular transition. So you’re going to start with your feet in parallel position, your knees or pool together, using your inner thighs. Your fingertips will be placed behind your knees. You’re going to curl or tuck your pelvis under. We call that the C curve. And then you’re going to tuck your chin into your chest, draw your belly button towards your spine, and then bring your ribs close together. So I’d like to funnel the ribs down, kind of like an upside down triangle. Okay? So from there, we’re going to round our back slide, the shoulders down the back, and then you can walk your hands up the backside of your thighs and then come to a lying position.
So you want to stay connected during the whole time, because it’s really important through these exercises that you’re gaining your connectivity, right? That’s the mind and body connection that we’ll be working with today. So bring your feet a little bit closer to your glutes. Your hands will be anchored into the mat, press your back against the mat and anchor your shoulders down. Now, from here, we’re just going to do some toe touches and that warms up kind of thing. Tegrity of our pelvic girdle, which is we’re babysitting, right? So your neck is neutral. You want to make sure you’re in alignment the whole time. So even though I’m turning towards you, just so I can see how well you’re moving today, make sure that your neck stays in alignment with your spine. Your hips are in alignment with your knees. And then again, the knees are in alignment with your ankles and your feet are straight ahead.
Okay? So from here, Carly, your pelvis under make sure you either have a neutral spine or that your back is nicely pressed against the mat. Again, hands are anchored into the mat and the shoulders are down. So from here with the toe lifts or the toe taps, you know, your going to peel your toe up off of the mat and then bring your knee in towards your chest. Now, the movement comes from your lower abdominals rather than just the hip joint. And we’ll do that a few times just to kind of get our bodies ready for the work that we’re going to do today. So lifting, bringing the knee into the torso and then lower down and later on, we’ll talk about breathing techniques. That’ll be really good to make sure that we’re massaging the organs that are being protected by our ribs and a baby’s kind of moving around in there a lot.
So he or she may be shifting those organs around too. So we want to make sure those, those organs are protected and massage. So let’s do the last toe tap on this side. And from here, I’m going to bring both these up and then lower down with control. Now I’m literally just going to tap the toe and then lift back up. So I’m hugging my knees into my center line and I’m nice and controlled. So be mindful of where your body is, making sure your shoulders don’t roll up and will not gripping the mat. Everything is nice and controlled and very fluid. So we’re going to do two more here and believe it or not, I start to kind of feel your body moving in the right direction, warming up your body. Okay? So last one, we’re going to place our feet all the way down.
I want to go ahead and go into the hundred hundred is a really good breathing exercise. It’s actually notorious and Pilates for breathing. Learning how to control your breath and gain concentration in there. So again, I’m going to do the modified version and if you’re already familiar with pilates, you already know you can extend your legs up towards the ceiling and Pilate stamps. We’re going to keep it modified today. So we’re going to bring both knees towards the chest. My palms are placed in the mat again, and my shoulders are anchored down from here.
What you can do as you transition into the hundred, you can tuck the chin into the chest and slightly peel your shoulders off of your mat and then reach your fingertips long and the reverse and come down again, keeping your connection, draw your ribs together. Pull the belly button deep into your spine. Hug your knees tight, reach the fingertips away from your hips and then lower down. So let’s progress into the hundred. So you’re going to tuck your chin into your chest, reach your fingertips long. I’m staying connected. And from here, I’m going to press my palms down towards the mat as if I’m bouncing a basketball. Now, if you’re new to this particular movement pattern, if your neck starts to create a little bit of discomfort, you can lie back down, making sure your next season alignment and continue to press your arms. Now, if that’s too much in your back is hurting you. You can actually lower your feet and just come from this position. Okay? So I’m going to come back to our modified. My focus is going to be in my belly button or towards my belly button reaching my fingertips long. I’m going to inhale for five pumps, inhale two, three, four, five, exhale, two, three, four, five, inhale and exhale routine longer drawing the belly button, deeper inhale, exhale, inhale two, three, four, five, exhale. So see if you can curl up a little bit deeper, then make sure when you’re curling up, draw your belly buttonEven deeper. Right? So what we tend to do is press our belly button up towards the ceiling. And that’s where we’re at risk for hurting.
We don’t want that. Okay. So really focused on pushing that belly button into your spine, reaching long. So many oppositions going on. We’ll finish this last one. I’m sure it wasn’t 100, but that’s okay. Inhale two, three, four, five, exhale, two, three, four, and five lower the head. Bring the knees into the torso and rock side to side. Just a little bit to massage our spine. Okay. So if you have that neck pain that I was talking about, feel free to go to the modification. It’s okay. It’s a working progress and our bodies are ever changing. Whether we’re growing baby, or we just had baby or we’re trying to create baby. So just honor the body that’s in front of you. As we transition out of here, our hands,
They’re going to be back on the mat. And I’d like to do shoulder bridge, want to really work these gluteal muscles. Those are huge stabilizers for us, as well as having a lot more mass down here, right? As baby growth. We want to make sure that our post Tyra chain, as we like to call it in the fitness and wellness world is strong and it has integrity in there. So that way we don’t have that excess of coaching in the back as baby grows, we want to make sure that we have a lot of strength and integrity and our
Glutes and our lower back in our pelvic girdle from here, feet are planted parallel position. You’re going to curl your pelvis up towards the ceiling, into a bridge position. Now be mindful not to arch the batch here. You want to have this nice flat line. Okay? So the shoulders, yeah, pressed against your mat and your palms are pressed against them at any reverse and try to hit one vertebrae at a time. As you roll down towards the mat, we’ll add breathing to it’s an help tuck the pelvis under, as you peel off of your mat, wrap your glutes together, caress the shoulders down to your chest is open and then lower down with good flow. And as you progress through this movement pattern, you can hold here. You can extend a leg up towards the ceiling and then add to that challenge is the word I was thinking for.
And from here, I’ll go ahead and do the other side, peeling up , peeling down lifting the hips back up and then placing it back. So let’s just do two more just for good measure, peeling, all that inhale, drawing the ribs together. So stay connected here. It’s not just about the glutes. It’s about your entire powerhouse and lower down in the powerhouse includes your abdominal wall, which is your rectus, abdominis, your internal external obliques, your transverse, which is deep, lower, all the way down, your glutes, your and all those small muscle groups, anterior to your pelvis. That is the full powerhouse. So from here, I’d like to go into a sideline, which is really good for pelvic health. You can extend one leg, one arm goes over, okay? And you’re going to shift to your side. Now from here, you’re going to stack your hips and scoot your actually scoot back first and then stack the hips.
So just make sure that the hip is in line with the opposite hip rather than your pelvis being open or being close forward. Okay, you’re going to rest your head here again. Your neck is going to be in alignment with your spine and the opposite hand is going to be a flat hand in front of your chest. Okay? Slide your shoulder down. So that way we’re not holding tension up here. So slide your shoulder down from here and then draw your belly button in towards your spine and close the ribs, wrap your glutes. And from here, I’m going to lift both feet up, bring them 45 inches and just lower the bottom leg. So you’re going to notice that my bottom is flat. My top foot is either pointed or it’s a neutral position. Okay. So that’s my starting point for a psychic series. And actually for me, because my legs are long, I’m going to scoot back just a little bit more so I can get a better anchor so that we’re in position. My bottom foot is, is flexed. And the reason why it’s flexed is that it allows me to anchor the bottom part of my body. My hip is now stat, and then I have another anchor here. Okay. So make sure that your shoulders are sliding away from your ears. Do you have a nice long neck? And from here, you’re going to rush forward and then brush back. And when you brushed back wrap your glutes. So try again
To hyperextend here, um, the leg, and then bring the chair.
You want to make sure everything stays stacked and brush forward and brush back. Seeing if you see any shifting in the hips, as you transition through the movement pattern and brush forward and brushed back, and then we’ll do one more rushing forward and then brush back. Now, come neutral and open up the top leg. So that way your knee is facing out towards your ceiling. Okay? Then you’re gonna point your toe lifting up, flex the heel and lower down point and lift and flex lower down. This really allows you to open up the hips here and lift hello, word down, play lift, and flex lower halfway for leg circles. So you’re going to circle around and hold circle forward in home circle and holding and go backwards, reverse and hold. Do you really want to start to feel in your hip? Which I feel it now and circle and hold. Now from here, I really like this transition because it allows you to keep your connections. Now
Your ID in your second trimester, your third trimester, please don’t do this because you’ve got baby. You’re not supposed to be lying face down. However, if you’re still in your first trimester or you’re working on conception or postpartum, then join me in doing beats on the belly. Now, if you do have, baby are Edie established second and third trimester. I’m gonna show you an alternative version to do this in just a minute. Okay? So we’re going to train this young to beat some of the belly. So I’m going to bring my bottom leg to my top leg. I’m going to roll over onto my stomach and that placed my hands right over my forehead.
Now notice my feet never touched the mat. Stay lifted and engage. You’re going to beat your heels together and beat two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine hole 10. Now, usually I would transition over to the other side without lowering my feet, but because we’re watching a video and I want you to be able to see me, I’m going to transition to the exercise for second trimester, third trimester. Okay. She can come to your hands and your knees from here, tabletop position, not trust. My back is flat. My the tops of my feet are flat on the mat. Now make sure that your wrist is in line with your elbow in line with your shoulder. Same thing with your torso. So your neck is in line with your spine. Shoulders are squared. My hip is over my knee and in line with my ankle.
So from here, if this exercise is new for you, then just take your time doing it. I’ll teach you in parts and then we’ll add on to it. Okay. All right. This is a really good exercise score here. Muscles that surround your spine. So from here, we’re going to extend the left arm, reaching long away from our torso, sliding the blade down the back. So be mindful not to reach forward here and lose that connection. So I’m staying over my joints, sliding my blade down my back and then placing it back to center. And again, I’m reaching forward. So nothing moves except my shoulder girdle from here, my hips stay in alignment. Be mindful not to shift into the hip that is stabilizing us, right? So we’re staying square. Draw your belly button in, place it back to center and again, to the other side.
So let’s go ahead and move on to the more progressive one. So you’re going to extend your right arm, extend your left leg and hold here, draw the belly button in elongate, the neck away from our shoulders, reach the tip of the toes away from our glutes and then come back to center. So you can hold there maybe about five to 10 seconds reaching long, making sure our hips stay leveled, come back to center. Let’s do one more on each side, reaching long and come back to center and ending on this side and come back to center. But you need to stretch your back. You can sit back towards your hips, but the thing that’s different in Pilates is that we’re not resting in the hips. We’re staying lifted off of our heels. You curl the pelvis under draw the belly button in, and you’re still active in your rest position nowFromHere. Roll up to a seated position and warheads. So,
So again, you’re going to find yourself and you can form these repetitions, like up to five times. Okay? So Here lift the feet together, lower the bottom, the hand shoulder away
From the ears. And you’re going to kick forward and kick back, joining the glutes together, kick forward and forward and back. And this opens up our hip flexors. A lot of times are seated where we’re standing for long periods of time that we really don’t get to stretch out that hip flexor, right? So you want to make sure we’re elongating the hip flexor, come back to neutral and open up the hip. The knee is up towards the ceiling and lift up flex lower down, pointless up and flex right now, keeping the hips nice and square shoulders away from your ears. And of course your breathing right flex lower down. We’ll do one more and lower halfway and circle forward, hold and back and notice if you’re stronger on one side than the other, actually start her on the other side, the missile. And so if you feel like your hips are shifting this, just attention to that and keep that belt bike.
Okay. Now from here, I’m going to lift my leg all the way up, bend my knee and bring it forward. Okay. Now the bottom light lifts off of the mat and comes neutral with your spine. So this works your inner thighs, which is really good and goes inside that triangle that you made and wraps around the ankle. So your chest is nice and open and press your knee back away from your chest. So from here, you gonna lift up and lower and lift lower lift, lower lift, lower left, lower left hold here, and just try to create small circles and then in the opposite direction. So that again helps with the pelvic stabilization holding here, bring both feet together. And again, coming over to your stomach and over here, and what you’ll do is lengthen out your arms again. Now this is similar to what we just did on a tabletop position.
Okay. But again, if you’ve got babies, second trimester, third trimester, don’t do this one. Do you know your hands and your knees? Okay. Arms are going to be extended. So again, if you’re in your secondary, third trimester, you won’t be lying face down.You’ll be in that tabletop position with your exercises. Okay. All right. So you’re, you’re laying face down and your neck is neutral with your spine. Arms are extended away from the center line, but the shoulders are pressed down, right? And then from here, draw your belly button up towards your spine. And again, lifting one arm at a timeAnd then as
You progress, you can integrate both arm and leg, but the opposing arm and leg. So lifting here, suppressing your arm down. As you lift up in extension lower back down and switch, you’re reaching and opposition fingertips away from the toes, lower down and lift and lower it last time and lift and lower. Let’s go ahead and come up to our tabletop Position. We’re going to switch to the other side
So we can do our inner thigh lifts on the other side. So we’ll do that. And then we’ll end with one exercise. So I’m lying on my side. When I bring my foot forward, the top leg forward, come on. The inside of the ankle. My bottom leg is wax and make sure that your hips are stacked. Your shoulders down away from you and your neck is in alignment. Right? A lot of times when I’m with my clients, they’re looking at me and I’m like, bring yourself back in alignment and just hear my voice. Okay. So just be mindful of that as you’re watching this. So you’re going to lift up through the inner that and lower down and lift and lower lift lift, lift, and circles. Circle forward. Forward forward is a little bit faster than our legs circles from before and circle back, making sure that there’s the minimal collect movement there. Okay. Now from here, I’m going to bring both feet together. Staying connected, no one to end in a plank position. Okay. So let’s come on to all fours. And what I like to do is
Start in a plank position and I’ll explain why the plank position is really essential in really any stage of your fitness level. But let’s go through that so we can finish our workout. So you’re going to tuck your toes under again. I’m in alignment. Now my arm is a little bit slanted away from my shoulders. So that way my body placement is improper limit. When I lift up now I’m going to join my glutes together, tuck my pelvis under, and then I’m going to lift off of my knee, holding here for three, two, and then lower down. It kind of preps us for the full pipe position. So if you’re playing position is not where you want it to be. That’s okay. There are steps to get there. Okay. So let’s go into full plank here. So again, how my pelvis under wrap my glutes, press my palms into the mat and then extend my legs straight out.
And I’m holding for five seconds, four, three, two, and one. Now go ahead and bring your knees down. I’m going to show you some common misalignments that I see. So as you’re holding your plank, see this, so come out of your shoulders, press out of your shoulders. And then I see the hip kind of shifting all the way down. Hey, so that’s why we engage our glutes first wrapping the glutes, curling the pelvis under. So our alignment stays proper during the whole movement pattern. Now, from here, you’re already on your knees. Just sit back in your rest position again. When that sitting all the way down, it’s active. So you’re curling your pelvis on it, hold a belly button into your spine, and then just gently roll up one vertebrae at a time top of the head.
One of the reasons why I love to do the plank position, it’s called something different. But one of the reasons why I love doing a plank position is because you’re literally firing up all of your extensor muscles and that helps you with proper alignment. It helps you with posture. It takes a lot of pressure off of your neck because as you start to grow in your pregnancy, then I also see this with my kids. And I see this with my coworkers that are not in health and walnuts. They have this rotated or internal rotation of your shoulders. I see this with bodybuilders too. You’ve got this internal rotation of your shoulders. Yeah. And then you’ve got shortened pectoralis, minor muscle. So this is drawing the shoulder. And then you have weak rhomboids, which your rhomboids are responsible for bringing your scapulars together. Those are your shoulder blades.
Okay. So when you’re in this alignment, even when I see with mommies and they’re creatively, or they’re even just breastfeeding, I see this a lot. So that’s one of the reasons why I love the plank position, because you’re literally firing all of those muscles to allow them to have that integration with your brain and your body. Then it also allows you to grow taller, be leaner, and then overall have a better functionality of life outside of conception, going through pregnancy and then postpartum. So today we just went through just a few simple exercises for you to get started. Again, I want you to be able to consult your primary chair before you start any type of exercise am talking cardiovascular, any nutritional programming, in addition to any strength training and our weightlifting, just to make sure that you’re safe and you’re doing proper alignment. That’s always key to make sure that you are taking care of your body in the best way that is possible. Can find me at Dr. Burnett on Instagram. I also work with a practice called the Brainery Atlanta, and that website is the Brainery with Dr. Samantha, Brooke. She’s also on the app. And if you have any more questions, feel free to reach out. Thank you so much for joining us at this Pilates instructional session, exclusively offered on BirthPedia. Thanks for watching.