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Hospital Care

Learn the ins and outs of how hospitals handle maternity care. From epidurals to delivery rooms to NICUs.

Birth Support and Advicesvideo

ASK: What is Cervidil how is it used in induction?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER CERVIDIL is a cervical ripening agent for what many people use for an induction or a preinduction. This primes the cervix. This...
Pregnancy Health Question And Answersvideo

ASK: My doctor or midwife wants me to be induced, I’m not sure I...

My Doctor Wants To Induce Me, What Should I Do? Transcript: "A question like that probably has multiple layers to it all, but it actually...
Pregnancy Tipsvideo

ASK: Do I have options after my doctor recommends a C-section once labor has...

What are my options?  "If your doctor or your midwife recommends having a C-section after you've already come in and labor; It can definitely be...

ASK: Is having a water birth at my local hospital possible?

Speaker 1: (00:05) Waterbirth has been accepted in over 102 countries around the world and all over Europe waterbirth is available in every house. The...
Questions About Pregnancyvideo

ASK: How is sedation used during labor?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER The use of sedation and Labor has really gained in popularity recently where we are now finding that more and more facilities...
Birth Support and Advicesvideo

ASK: What happens in my induction process after getting Cervidil or Cytotec?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER So what you should expect after cervical ripening agent, Say, you've done the 12 hours of Cervidil, or you've done three or...