ASK: If I have high blood pressure, what can I expect to happen when...
So if you have high blood pressure and you're coming into the hospital to be induced per se for your high blood...
What is anesthesia?
Anesthesia is a form of medical care that was developed to allow patients to have surgical procedures. No one really knows exactly...
ASK: My partner does not want to have a water birth. What can I...
Speaker 1: (00:05)
Women often call me and say, I'd like a water birth. And I tell them, what does your partner think? I asked...
PODCAST: Birthpedia Podcast Episode 2: Barbara Harper of Waterbirth International
On this episode of the Birthpedia Podcast Justine interviews Barber Harper, founder of Waterbirth International and leading voice for childbirth and maternal care reform,...
ASK: Do I have options after my doctor recommends a C-section once labor has...
What are my options?
"If your doctor or your midwife recommends having a C-section after you've already come in and labor; It can definitely be...
ASK: What are side effects of a spinal anesthesia when used in labor &...
ANSWER: "Side effects from spinal anesthesia are very similar to the side effects experienced during labor analgesia. Those would include blood...
ASK: What is some essential info I need to know about inductions?
Essential Info: Labor Inductions
ANSWER "An induction Is probably one of the most common interventions done in a hospital setting. There's various reasons that may...
ASK: What are some reasons why I could be told I can’t have a...
Risks of VBAC
The major reason why women are told that they need to have a repeat cesarean has to do with number one, the...
ASK: What are some reasons why I would be induced?
The reasons for your induction are definitely going to be provider based, sometimes in, sometimes providers want to induce you to because...