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Pregnancy is a very important time in a woman's life as she begins to grow a child in her uterus. This topic covers things necessary to know while pregnant.

professional Pregnancy Suggestionsvideo

ASK: Are all massage therapists qualified to do a prenatal massage?

Qualifications for Prenatal Massage "I mean, I would say that the majority probably could. But it's important to have someone who's at least had some...
professional Pregnancy Suggestionsvideo

ASK: Will prenatal massage help with my sciatica?

Massage for Sciatica Pain "It's amazing for sciatic pain. We can really get into all the muscles that are in the hips and as the...

ASK: What are the physical changes that happen in my body during the third...

Physical Changes in the Third Trimester "The (physical) changes for the mom and baby during the third trimester are all getting things ready for the...

ASK: What type of protein should I be eating while pregnant?

Protein Sources in Pregnancy "Protein sources (in pregnancy), I think are very important, what we're putting into our body. So you know pasture-fed eggs are...
Margie Wallis- Pregnancy Baby Droppedvideo

ASK: What does it mean my “baby dropped” or my provider talking about “stations”?

When Does "Baby Dropped" Happen? "One of the things that people say about moms is,...

ASK: Is it normal to have swollen feet during pregnancy?

Swollen Feet During Pregnancy "If your feet are swollen and they are swelling in the afternoon, that is not a big deal. The only swelling...

ASK: What is preterm labor?

What is Preterm Labor? "Preterm labor is a condition where your body thinks it's time to deliver your baby. It needs to be distinguished from...

ASK: What are the physical changes that happen in my body during the second...

Physical Changes in the Second Trimester "So, the changes that are happening for the mom in the second trimester. The placenta has taken over producing...
Pregnancy Health Question And Answersvideo

ASK: I’m about 16 weeks pregnant and my baby isn’t moving, is this normal?

Normal Fetal Movement at 16 Weeks "Typically, you will feel movement every day after 18 weeks pregnant. Some women feel movement every day earlier than...

ASK: How does acupuncture help in the second trimester of my pregnancy?

Acupuncture in the Second Trimester "Common reasons people seek acupuncture during the second trimester of pregnancy are round ligament pain, insomnia, fatigue, constipation, and anxiety....