ASK: I have a partner attending the birth, why do I need additional support...
ANSWER: "A lot of dads are really hesitant to allow someone else into the birth space. I always like to refer to Dads...
ASK: What birth situation is appropriate for hiring a doula?
FAQs About Doulas
ANSWER: "Every situation. I can't think of a birth that would not benefit from having a doula there. Whether you choose to...
ASK: I’m looking to hire a doula. What should I be looking for when...
Interviewing Doulas To Hire
ANSWER "When you're interviewing a doula, it's really important that you interview the doula to find out if they're listening to...
ASK: What is a doula?
ANSWER: "A doula is generally a woman who has been professionally trained to support women and their partners through the pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum experience."
ASK: How could I handle announcing to friends, family and social media that I’m...
Childbirth Labor Protocols: Social Media
ANSWER: "So when you're in labor and you're wondering if it's a good time to tell your friends and family...
ASK: What are the most important factors I should consider if I want to...
There are a number of things to think about if you want to avoid a cesarean section. I think one of the...
ASK: What is a baby friendly hospital?
Baby Friendly Hospital
ANSWER:"Baby-friendly hospitals are a specific designation that's given to a number of hospitals around the country for hospitals that are not "baby...
ASK: How can I find the C-section rate for my doctor, midwife or hospital?
C-Section Essential Information Series
ANSWER: "How can you find out the Cesarean section rate of my doctor, midwife, or hospital? The truth is that it's not...
ASK: Are there common ways a doctor would try to persuade me into a...
C-Section Persuasion
(Transcript) The mother is vulnerable. She can come in their birth photog, birth Doula, obstetrician, midwife, family history when she is in that...
ASK: My doctor or midwife wants me to be induced, I’m not sure I...
My Doctor Wants To Induce Me, What Should I Do?
Transcript: "A question like that probably has multiple layers to it all, but it actually...