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ASK: How can I get better sleep while in my third trimester of my...

Sleep in The Third Trimester of Pregnancy "Sleep is tricky when you're pregnant and so there are lots of things you need to know. The...

ASK: How does acupuncture help in my third trimester of my pregnancy?

Acupuncture in the Third Trimester "As an acupuncturist, the treatment of back pain in the third trimester involves positioning the patient to be comfortable for...
Margie Wallis- Pregnancy Baby Droppedvideo

ASK: What does it mean my “baby dropped” or my provider talking about “stations”?

When Does "Baby Dropped" Happen? "One of the things that people say about moms is,...

ASK: What type of protein should I be eating while pregnant?

Protein Sources in Pregnancy "Protein sources (in pregnancy), I think are very important, what we're putting into our body. So you know pasture-fed eggs are...

ASK: Is it normal to get yeast infections while pregnant?

Vaginal Discharge in Pregnancy "Pregnancy can predispose you a little bit more to yeast infections because of the hormones (of pregnancy). But, it is also...

ASK: What herbs are safe to take while pregnant?

Herbs in Pregnancy “It particularly depends on you. It also depends on the herbs. Herbs are regulated and, unfortunately, most people think they are not....

ASK: What noises are too loud for my baby while in the womb?

What Noises are Too Loud for Baby? "Your baby is very well protected in the womb so there is really nothing that I know of...

ASK: How much weight can I lift during my third trimester of pregnancy?

Weight Lifting in Pregnancy "When you are in your third trimester, really lifting five to 10 pounds max, depending on where you are as far...

ASK: How far into my pregnancy can I travel?

Travel in Pregnancy "Travel in the pregnancy can be fun and exciting, but there are some precautions that you do need to take. Travel up...