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ASK: What are some exercises I can do while pregnant that shouldn’t harm me...

Exercises In Pregnancy “I get this question a lot, so I'll keep it super simple. Of course, walking (is great). If you have already been...

ASK: What is one of the best things I can do to prepare for...

Best Way to Prepare for Childbirth "One of the best things that you can do to prepare for your labor is to take a childbirth...

ASK: What is preterm labor?

What is Preterm Labor? "Preterm labor is a condition where your body thinks it's time to deliver your baby. It needs to be distinguished from...

ASK: How can I get better sleep while in my third trimester of my...

Sleep in The Third Trimester of Pregnancy "Sleep is tricky when you're pregnant and so there are lots of things you need to know. The...
professional Pregnancy Suggestionsvideo

ASK: Will prenatal massage help with my sciatica?

Massage for Sciatica Pain "It's amazing for sciatic pain. We can really get into all the muscles that are in the hips and as the...

ASK: What are the physical changes that happen in my body during the third...

Physical Changes in the Third Trimester "The (physical) changes for the mom and baby during the third trimester are all getting things ready for the...

ASK: Is it normal to have swollen feet during pregnancy?

Swollen Feet During Pregnancy "If your feet are swollen and they are swelling in the afternoon, that is not a big deal. The only swelling...
Birth Support and Advicesvideo

ASK: Later in my pregnancy I am noticing more veins showing on my breasts,...

Veins are Normal "So it's totally normal if you're noticing more veins on your breast. First of all, the hormones in pregnancy help relax all...

ASK: How much weight can I lift during my third trimester of pregnancy?

Weight Lifting in Pregnancy "When you are in your third trimester, really lifting five to 10 pounds max, depending on where you are as far...
professional Pregnancy Suggestionsvideo

ASK: How can massage therapy and chiropractic care work together during my pregnancy?

Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care Work Together During Pregnancy “Chiropractic (care) is addressing a lot of the structure and the nerves. If you have muscles...