ASK: Later in my pregnancy I am noticing more veins showing on my breasts,...
Veins are Normal
"So it's totally normal if you're noticing more veins on your breast. First of all, the hormones in pregnancy help relax all...
ASK: What are some ways I can prepare for labor?
Prepare for Labor
"One of the best ways to prepare for your labor and the delivery is making sure that you're low risk even before...
ASK: What noises are too loud for my baby while in the womb?
What Noises are Too Loud for Baby?
"Your baby is very well protected in the womb so there is really nothing that I know of...
ASK: What are some exercises I can do while pregnant that shouldn’t harm me...
Exercises In Pregnancy
“I get this question a lot, so I'll keep it super simple. Of course, walking (is great). If you have already been...
ASK: What is preterm labor?
What is Preterm Labor?
"Preterm labor is a condition where your body thinks it's time to deliver your baby. It needs to be distinguished from...
ASK: When is it too late to hire a doula for my pregnancy and...
Hiring a Doula
"First, there is no bad time to contact a doula. So even if you've gone very far in your pregnancy and you...
ASK: What herbs are safe to take while pregnant?
Herbs in Pregnancy
“It particularly depends on you. It also depends on the herbs. Herbs are regulated and, unfortunately, most people think they are not....