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ASK: How far into my pregnancy can I travel?

Travel in Pregnancy "Travel in the pregnancy can be fun and exciting, but there are some precautions that you do need to take. Travel up...

ASK: Is it normal to get yeast infections while pregnant?

Vaginal Discharge in Pregnancy "Pregnancy can predispose you a little bit more to yeast infections because of the hormones (of pregnancy). But, it is also...

ASK: How long will I be positioned during a prenatal massage?

Positioning for Prenatal Massage "Positioning changes depending on if you're in your first, second, or third trimester. But the majority of the time you're going...
Margie Wallis- Pregnancy Baby Droppedvideo

ASK: What does it mean my “baby dropped” or my provider talking about “stations”?

When Does "Baby Dropped" Happen? "One of the things that people say about moms is,...

ASK: What is preterm labor?

What is Preterm Labor? "Preterm labor is a condition where your body thinks it's time to deliver your baby. It needs to be distinguished from...

ASK: When is it too late to hire a doula for my pregnancy and...

Hiring a Doula "First, there is no bad time to contact a doula. So even if you've gone very far in your pregnancy and you...
Birth Support and Advicesvideo

ASK: I think I lost my mucus plug. How do I know when I...

What is the Mucous Plug? "So if you think you lost your mucous plug, don't freak out. The mucous plug is just a protection for...