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When you "DO" Birthpedia, you are empowering yourself to improve your body, mind and soul for birth and baby. Whether it is taking a prenatal yoga class on the beach or learning the latest trends in what to eat while pregnant, our contributors guide you towards a better you.

Common Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: What types of labor positions could I be in for my labor and...

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER There are all kinds of different positions that you can be in. One of the thing to keep in mind is sometimes...
Pregnancy Advicesvideo

ASK: What can I expect at the early stages of breastfeeding my baby?

Breastfeeding Essential Info ANSWER: "Around 16 weeks of gestation, your body actually starts to produce colostrum, which is the baby's first milk and it's rich...

DO: In-Depth Babywearing Tutorial of Free-to-Grow by Tula

Review of Tula Free to Grow Babywearing “Hi Britt Beason here today with Birthpedia....
Common Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: Labor essentials; How do I time a contraction? Use an app?

Early Labor Signs: Time a Contraction ANSWER "The way your time of contraction is from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the...
Babywearing Tutorial Explore by Tula Brit Hero-900pxvideo

DO: Babywearing Tutorial of Tula Baby EXPLORE

Babywearing: About Tula Baby Carrier "Hey, it's Brett Beeson, your babywearing coach here today...

DO: Postpartum Fitness- Workout Pt. 1

We are just about ready to do our postpartum interval workout today. So we're going to kind of go through these moves back to...