ASK: Should I be concerned about my baby’s gut flora being affected by having...
Speaker 1: (00:05)
As a baby is born. It comes through the vagina and it picks up the bacteria that the mother has in that...
PODCAST: Birthpedia Podcast Episode 2: Barbara Harper of Waterbirth International
On this episode of the Birthpedia Podcast Justine interviews Barber Harper, founder of Waterbirth International and leading voice for childbirth and maternal care reform,...
ASK: I’m looking to hire a doula. What should I be looking for when...
Interviewing Doulas To Hire
ANSWER "When you're interviewing a doula, it's really important that you interview the doula to find out if they're listening to...
ASK: What are some reasons why I could be told I can’t have a...
Risks of VBAC
The major reason why women are told that they need to have a repeat cesarean has to do with number one, the...
ASK: Does the shape of my pelvis affect my ability to give birth?
The Pelvis and Birth
Yes and no. But the pelvis has to be tested to see if the shape has an impact. Oftentimes you'll see...