ASK: What are some medical reasons for induction?
Childbirth Induction Essential Info
ANSWER: "Medically, often times an induction is recommended when the mom will go over her due date, which as a reminder is...
ASK: My doctor or midwife wants me to be induced, I’m not sure I...
My Doctor Wants To Induce Me, What Should I Do?
Transcript: "A question like that probably has multiple layers to it all, but it actually...
ASK: What is some essential info I need to know about inductions?
Essential Info: Labor Inductions
ANSWER "An induction Is probably one of the most common interventions done in a hospital setting. There's various reasons that may...
ASK: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Pitocin used in inductions?
Pitocin Induction For Labor: Is it Necessary?
“Induction can have some negative impacts on...
ASK: What could my body experience while going through a labor induction?
Essential Info: Labor Induction
ANSWER "Many things occur with moms prior to going into labor. There is a physiological changing of your body. There's a...