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Hospital Care

Learn the ins and outs of how hospitals handle maternity care. From epidurals to delivery rooms to NICUs.

Pregnancy Health Question And Answersvideo

ASK: What is a family centered Cesarean?

TRANSCRIPT TO ANSWER Wonderful question. We get asked that a lot, we call it actually family-centered. It's Assyrian. A key piece being that the mother,...

ASK: How do I choose a hospital where I am least likely to get...

Cesarean Section Rate So, women are concerned about the cesarean section rate in the United States. We all have that concern. It's unclear exactly what...
Pregnancy Tipsvideo

ASK: What are the most important factors I should consider if I want to...

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER There are a number of things to think about if you want to avoid a cesarean section. I think one of the...
Birth Support and Advicesvideo

SHARE: Being 43 weeks pregnant is still a woman’s choice

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER She is 43 weeks in three days. She wants to be induced about four weeks, 39 weeks.  Here we are now Forty-three...
Pregnancy Tipsvideo

ASK: Do I have options after my doctor recommends a C-section once labor has...

What are my options?  "If your doctor or your midwife recommends having a C-section after you've already come in and labor; It can definitely be...
Questions About Pregnancyvideo

ASK: What is some essential info I need to know about inductions?

Essential Info: Labor Inductions ANSWER "An induction Is probably one of the most common interventions done in a hospital setting. There's various reasons that may...
Birth Support and Advicesvideo

ASK: What can I expect to be in a hospital labor room?

HOSPITAL LABOR ROOM  EXPECTATIONS ANSWER "What to expect in a labor room when you enter. It is going to be a labor bed, is going to...