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Pregnancy Advicesvideo

ASK: How can i give my baby the best possible immune system?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER When you're pregnant, there's so much to think about, but the overriding thought is that you want to give your baby the...
Common Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: What is the infant microbiome? Why should I care?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER The infant microbiome is a really exciting new field of research, I say new, but scientist have known about it for about...
Common Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: Where can i find more info on the infant microbiome?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER Right now, a lot of the science and the research that's coming out is mostly confined to academic papers and to research...
Common Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: What is the human microbiome?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER You might have heard of the word microbiome, or you might not. You might have heard of gut bacteria. It's all the...
Pregnancy Advicesvideo

ASK: I think my water may have broke, but i cant tell, how do...

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER Okay, so you, if you are hydrated, then you will continue to make amniotic fluid and this is something that we really...
Birth Support and Advicesvideo

ASK: What is Cervidil how is it used in induction?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER CERVIDIL is a cervical ripening agent for what many people use for an induction or a preinduction. This primes the cervix. This...
Birth Support and Advicesvideo

ASK: What happens in my induction process after getting Cervidil or Cytotec?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER So what you should expect after cervical ripening agent, Say, you've done the 12 hours of Cervidil, or you've done three or...
Common Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: What does the microbiome have to do with my baby’s birth?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER During pregnancy, it is a really critical time because you, what a mother eats, how much he exercises, how, how well she...
Get professional pregnancy tipsvideo

ASK: What do I do if my baby gets stuck during labor?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER A question that we're often asked is, what happens if my baby gets stuck while I'm at a birth center at a...
Pregnancy Health Question And Answersvideo

ASK: How can my partner best support me postpartum?

Postpartum Support Provided by the Partner (Dad, Grandparent, Friend, Other) "So directly after the baby's born, we like for doulas to kind of step back...