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Labor and Delivery

This is where we describe how we help educate women on what to expect and what they can do to prepare for labor and delivery.


ASK: What is the importance of red blood cells in delayed cord clamping?

Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping “When the cord clamping is delayed, the baby gets...

ASK: Is it worth saving my baby’s cord blood just in case they need...

Should Parents Save Their Baby’s Cord Blood? “When they collect the cord blood, they...
Childbirth And Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: How do I know I am in labor?

Braxton Hicks Contractions "Braxton Hicks Contractions. So let's talk a little bit about what's...

ASK: What are some ways I can prepare for labor?

Prepare for Labor "One of the best ways to prepare for your labor and the delivery is making sure that you're low risk even before...

ASK: When is it okay to induce labor whether naturally or in the hospital?

Understanding Due Dates Are Estimated Times "The things you need to understand that a due date is just an idea. It's an estimated time that...