SHARE: Being 43 weeks pregnant is still a woman’s choice
She is 43 weeks in three days. She wants to be induced about four weeks, 39 weeks. Here we are now Forty-three...
SHARE: Why do you work as a nurse midwife at a birth center?
When I was a new graduate nurse, I was very involved in the intensive care of childbirth and was very excited about...
ASK: What is a doula?
ANSWER: "A doula is generally a woman who has been professionally trained to support women and their partners through the pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum experience."
ASK: I’m looking to hire a doula. What should I be looking for when...
Interviewing Doulas To Hire
ANSWER "When you're interviewing a doula, it's really important that you interview the doula to find out if they're listening to...
ASK: What birth situation is appropriate for hiring a doula?
FAQs About Doulas
ANSWER: "Every situation. I can't think of a birth that would not benefit from having a doula there. Whether you choose to...
ASK: What is the difference between a midwife and a doula?
Differences Between a Midwife and a Doula
"A lot of people have a misconception that a doula and a midwife are the same things and...
ASK: How do I approach choosing either a doctor or a midwife to be...
Choosing a Doctor or Midwife for Birth
"How do you choose between a doctor and a midwife to take care of you? Well, you've got...
PODCAST: Birthpedia Podcast Episode 2: Barbara Harper of Waterbirth International
On this episode of the Birthpedia Podcast Justine interviews Barber Harper, founder of Waterbirth International and leading voice for childbirth and maternal care reform,...