ASK: I just found out I’m pregnant! Am I alone in my fear of...
You are Not Alone
You're not alone in your fear of pain. Every woman fears the pain of labor. It is our job to educate...
ASK: What are the physical changes that happen in my body during the second...
Physical Changes in the Second Trimester
"So, the changes that are happening for the mom in the second trimester. The placenta has taken over producing...
ASK: I’m afraid of how my life will change after I have a baby?
Perception Versus Reality
It's so funny thinking about what life would be like after I gave birth. I thought I'd be resigned to my home...
ASK: Should I still take my prenatal supplements after having my baby?
Prenatal Supplements Postpartum
"Absolutely! You should definitely continue whatever program you were on while you were pregnant as far as supplements and prenatals...
ASK: If I want a midwife as my provider but I’m told I’m high...
Midwifery Model for High-Risk Pregnancy
"If the question is I want to have a midwifery model of care for my pregnancy and hopefully for my...
ASK: What questions should I be asking when choosing an obstetrician?
What questions should I be asking when choosing an obstetrician
“When you're looking for an obstetrician for care, you want to talk to them about...