ASK: I have a partner attending the birth, why do I need additional support...
ANSWER: "A lot of dads are really hesitant to allow someone else into the birth space. I always like to refer to Dads...
ASK: Does a doula support my partner during labor and delivery? If so how?
ANSWER: "Doulas absolutely support the partner. In fact, if there is a partner who wants to be actively involved in the birth, that is...
ASK: I think I may be in labor How do I know for sure?
How Do I Know for Sure?
So if you're really wondering if it's the true, real deal labor, or if you're just having a prodromal...
ASK: If I have high blood pressure, what can I expect to happen when...
So if you have high blood pressure and you're coming into the hospital to be induced per se for your high blood...
ASK: When is it okay to induce labor whether naturally or in the hospital?
Understanding Due Dates Are Estimated Times
"The things you need to understand that a due date is just an idea. It's an estimated time that...
ASK: What are some reasons why I would be induced?
The reasons for your induction are definitely going to be provider based, sometimes in, sometimes providers want to induce you to because...