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ASK: Why would I consider a water birth or getting into water for my...

Speaker 1: (00:05) I think every woman should be offered a bath in labor. It's a warm bath, a bath that covers her abdomen. Being...
Childbirth And Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: How do I know I am in labor?

Braxton Hicks Contractions "Braxton Hicks Contractions. So let's talk a little bit about what's...
Pregnancy Health Question And Answersvideo

ASK: Should I schedule my induction for social reasons?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER You also see inductions done for what I think are social reasons. Sometimes there's a convenience factor regarding maybe family-related issues and/or...
Childbirth And Pregnancy Questionsvideo

ASK: What does it mean when I am dilating?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER Lots of moms are curious what it means when someone like their care provider, their midwife, or their doctor says that they're...

ASK: I think I may be in labor How do I know for sure?

How Do I Know for Sure? So if you're really wondering if it's the true, real deal labor, or if you're just having a prodromal...
Pregnancy Health Question And Answersvideo

ASK: Are there common ways a doctor would try to persuade me into a...

C-Section Persuasion (Transcript) The mother is vulnerable. She can come in their birth photog, birth Doula, obstetrician, midwife, family history when she is in that...