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ASK: Why is natural birth important even for the partner?

Speaker 1: (00:05) In my experience, natural birth is, is important for the partner to experience as well because in a traditional hospital setting, the...
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ASK: What are some reasons why I could be told I can’t have a...

Risks of VBAC The major reason why women are told that they need to have a repeat cesarean has to do with number one, the...

ASK: Is it worth saving my baby’s cord blood just in case they need...

Should Parents Save Their Baby’s Cord Blood? “When they collect the cord blood, they...

ASK: I want a birth center birth but my family doesn’t think I should....

Wanting a Birth Center Birth "A lot of times we hear folks who come to us wanting a birth center birth, but they get flack...

ASK: How do I know if I am a good fit to give birth...

Can I have a Birth Center Birth? "As long as if you're using a freestanding birth center, you really want to make sure that you've...