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Pain Management

Some women choose to have pain management medically and others naturally. It is important to know the risks and benefits of all kinds of pain management.

Questions About Pregnancyvideo

ASK: I just found out I’m pregnant! Am I alone in my fear of...

You are Not Alone You're not alone in your fear of pain. Every woman fears the pain of labor. It is our job to educate...
Questions About Pregnancyvideo

ASK: How is sedation used during labor?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER The use of sedation and Labor has really gained in popularity recently where we are now finding that more and more facilities...
Birth Pain Managementvideo

ASK: What are some comfort techniques I can use during labor?

Comfort Techniques For Labor ANSWER: "Comfort techniques are a very important part of labor and there's a lot of very simple things that you can...
Dr Keith Bell-Acupuncturist-Fertility-Specialist - Lifestyle choicesvideo

ASK: How does acupuncture work? Is it safe for fertility, pregnancy & birth?

How does acupuncture work?  “This is a question that's been mystifying scientists for the last 50 years. We know that acupuncture works. We can see...
Pregnancy Tipsvideo

ASK: How can I best practice breathing through contractions?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER In our society, when, if I were to tell you to take a big deep sigh or a big deep breath, you...
Questions About Pregnancyvideo

ASK: What are side effects of a spinal anesthesia when used in labor &...

ANESTHESIA ESSENTIAL INFORMATION SERIES ANSWER: "Side effects from spinal anesthesia are very similar to the side effects experienced during labor analgesia. Those would include blood...