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Pregnancy is a very important time in a woman's life as she begins to grow a child in her uterus. This topic covers things necessary to know while pregnant.


ASK: What are some exercises I can do while pregnant that shouldn’t harm me...

Exercises In Pregnancy “I get this question a lot, so I'll keep it super simple. Of course, walking (is great). If you have already been...
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ASK: What kind of vaginal discharge is normal during pregnancy?

Normal Vaginal Discharge in Pregnancy "Discharge normally in pregnancy is usually cream in color. It's usually thin. It can be heavy at some times and...

ASK: How do I choose a hospital where I am least likely to get...

Cesarean Section Rate So, women are concerned about the cesarean section rate in the United States. We all have that concern. It's unclear exactly what...

ASK: What noises are too loud for my baby while in the womb?

What Noises are Too Loud for Baby? "Your baby is very well protected in the womb so there is really nothing that I know of...
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ASK: What are some ways to help lower back pain and sciatica during pregnancy?

Lower Back Pain and Sciatica in Pregnancy "So during pregnancy, I think it's important that you really help establish a routine of self-care. Self-care is...

ASK: What are some herbs that would be beneficial for me to take during...

Beneficial Herbal Remedies During Pregnancy Some other herbal remedies that can be used during pregnancy in preparation for the birth, is a great herb that...

ASK: What questions should I be asking when choosing an obstetrician?

What questions should I be asking when choosing an obstetrician “When you're looking for an obstetrician for care, you want to talk to them about...

ASK: What does it mean for my body to be in alignment before, during...

Imortance of Proper Alignment "So the reason why it's so important for your body to be in alignment (during) pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy is because...