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Pregnancy is a very important time in a woman's life as she begins to grow a child in her uterus. This topic covers things necessary to know while pregnant.


ASK: Is saturated fat bad for me or my baby?

Saturated Fat in Pregnancy "There's a big misconception about saturated fat. You know the outer casing of your cell is actually saturated fat. So saturated...

ASK: Should I still take my prenatal supplements after having my baby?

[TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER} Prenatal Supplements Postpartum "Absolutely! You should definitely continue whatever program you were on while you were pregnant as far as supplements and prenatals...
Pregnancy Advicesvideo

ASK: How does the uterus work while in labor?

Function of the Uterus "The actual uterus is amazing because the muscle fibers go horizontal, and they actually go lengthwise too. So when they contract...
Pregnancy Advicesvideo

ASK: I’m afraid my water will break in public, how do I handle it...

Water Breaks in Public "Afraid your water will break in public? It most likely will not, but if it does, it's not like in the...

ASK: Is it normal to be scared that I’m pregnant and about birthing a...

Scared About Pregnancy And Birth I often have women come to me who are first-time moms and first-time moms often come in with a lot...

ASK: Why is natural birth important even for the partner?

Speaker 1: (00:05) In my experience, natural birth is, is important for the partner to experience as well because in a traditional hospital setting, the...