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Pregnancy is a very important time in a woman's life as she begins to grow a child in her uterus. This topic covers things necessary to know while pregnant.


ASK: Is it normal to have swollen feet during pregnancy?

Swollen Feet During Pregnancy "If your feet are swollen and they are swelling in the afternoon, that is not a big deal. The only swelling...

ASK: Is it normal to be spotting blood during my pregnancy?

Spotting in Pregnancy If you are spotting and it's bright red blood, and it will be around the time of your period, I wouldn't worry...

ASK: How much weight should I gain during pregnancy?

Not One Size Fits All "How much weight I gain during the pregnancy? That is something that is particular to your pregnancy and your particular...

ASK: I’m in my second trimester and I’m feeling crampy. Is this normal?

Cramping in the Second Trimester "So, here you are. You are approaching your twentieth week of pregnancy and you think things are going well. And...

ASK: What is preterm labor?

What is Preterm Labor? "Preterm labor is a condition where your body thinks it's time to deliver your baby. It needs to be distinguished from...

ASK: I want to have a natural birth but I’m afraid I can’t handle...

Pain Does Not Equal Suffering I would say probably universally, the pain of labor is one of the things that every woman anticipates, and many...

ASK: What are some exercises I can do while pregnant that shouldn’t harm me...

Exercises In Pregnancy “I get this question a lot, so I'll keep it super simple. Of course, walking (is great). If you have already been...