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Pregnancy is a very important time in a woman's life as she begins to grow a child in her uterus. This topic covers things necessary to know while pregnant.

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ASK: If I want a midwife as my provider but I’m told I’m high...

Midwifery Model for High-Risk Pregnancy "If the question is I want to have a midwifery model of care for my pregnancy and hopefully for my...

ASK: I’m in my second trimester and I’m feeling crampy. Is this normal?

Cramping in the Second Trimester "So, here you are. You are approaching your twentieth week of pregnancy and you think things are going well. And...
Pregnancy Advicesvideo

ASK: How does the uterus work while in labor?

Function of the Uterus "The actual uterus is amazing because the muscle fibers go horizontal, and they actually go lengthwise too. So when they contract...

ASK: I’m afraid of how my life will change after I have a baby?

Perception Versus Reality It's so funny thinking about what life would be like after I gave birth. I thought I'd be resigned to my home...

ASK: How can I still be empowered during a high risk pregnancy?

TRANSCRIPT OF ANSWER Well, I get the question about high-risk pregnancy often and my answer is that if you are high risk, but because there's...
professional Pregnancy Suggestionsvideo

ASK: Are all massage therapists qualified to do a prenatal massage?

Qualifications for Prenatal Massage "I mean, I would say that the majority probably could. But it's important to have someone who's at least had some...

ASK: Is it normal to be spotting blood during my pregnancy?

Spotting in Pregnancy If you are spotting and it's bright red blood, and it will be around the time of your period, I wouldn't worry...
Birth Support and Advicesvideo

ASK: I have a headache while pregnant, is this normal?

Headache While Pregnant ANSWER "So you may wonder if a headache when you're pregnant is normal. For some women it may be, this can be...