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Prenatal Care

Getting early prenatal care. If you know you're pregnant, or think you might be, call your doctor to schedule a visit. Getting regular prenatal care. Your doctor will schedule you for many checkups over the course of your pregnancy. D

professional Pregnancy Suggestionsvideo

ASK: Will prenatal massage help with my sciatica?

Massage for Sciatica Pain "It's amazing for sciatic pain. We can really get into all the muscles that are in the hips and as the...

ASK: What type of protein should I be eating while pregnant?

Protein Sources in Pregnancy "Protein sources (in pregnancy), I think are very important, what we're putting into our body. So you know pasture-fed eggs are...

ASK: What is preterm labor?

What is Preterm Labor? "Preterm labor is a condition where your body thinks it's time to deliver your baby. It needs to be distinguished from...

ASK: What is informed consent and what should I know about it concerning my...

What is Informed Consent? “So, you may have heard the terms informed consent. It is really important during your labor and birth process. It is...

ASK: Is prenatal massage safe during the first trimester of pregnancy?

Is Prenatal Massage Safe During the First Trimester? “Most of the time, yes. It is absolutely safe to have a massage during your first trimester....
professional Pregnancy Suggestionsvideo

ASK: How can massage therapy and chiropractic care work together during my pregnancy?

Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care Work Together During Pregnancy “Chiropractic (care) is addressing a lot of the structure and the nerves. If you have muscles...
professional Pregnancy Suggestionsvideo

ASK: What is the Webster Technique used for in pregnancy?

Webster Technique in Pregnancy "The Webster technique is a really great component of chiropractic for you. It's a technique that focuses on the pregnant woman...