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ASK: What questions should I be asking when choosing an obstetrician?

What questions should I be asking when choosing an obstetrician “When you're looking for an obstetrician for care, you want to talk to them about...

ASK: Am I too old to get pregnant? When should I freeze my egg?

Are you too old to get pregnant? "That's a really good question. And I know that's a question that every everybody thinks about. And it's...
Questions About Pregnancyvideo

ASK: How do I plan and get my body and mind ready for pregnancy...

How do I plan and get my body and mind ready for pregnancy and baby “How do you plan for pregnancy in terms of timing...

ASK: What is the difference between traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy?

Difference between Traditional and Gestational surrogacy “Surrogacy is the process of, a woman that is babysitting a baby. So traditional surrogacy is when the surrogate...

ASK: When is the best time to conceive during the month?

When is the best time to conceive during the month? "So this is a simple answer. It's the middle of the month. So if you,...

ASK: What are my chances of getting pregnant based on my age?

What are my chances of getting pregnant based on my age? “The chance of getting pregnant varies by age. So if you're under 35, it's...

ASK: Does my weight play a role in my fertility?

Does Weight play a role in my fertility? “Your weight is extremely important in your ability to get pregnant, for various reasons. But the main...

ASK: I’ve had more than one miscarriage, is it still possible to have a...

Pregnancy After Miscarriage “If you've had more than one miscarriage, you can absolutely still have a baby. The reality is that you have a 70%...

ASK: How do I calculate the date when my pregnancy began?

How do I calculate the date I conceived to help me determine my due date? "Most people don't know that during the first two weeks...

ASK: Is it safe to freeze my egg? When and why should I do...

Is it Safe To Freeze My Eggs? “Is it? So if you're thinking about egg preservation, is it safe to do this? And when should...