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Pregnancy is a very important time in a woman's life as she begins to grow a child in her uterus. This topic covers things necessary to know while pregnant.


ASK: I’m scared and I’m pregnant how can a midwife help?

Pregnant and Afraid I know that you're feeling a lot of new things, a part of those things are physiological, that you're feeling. Your body...

ASK: Is having a midwife at my home birth the same as having a...

Midwives in and out of the Hospital "The ways that it's the same as having a midwife in the hospital and a midwife in an...

ASK: What type of protein should I be eating while pregnant?

Protein Sources in Pregnancy "Protein sources (in pregnancy), I think are very important, what we're putting into our body. So you know pasture-fed eggs are...
Pregnancy Advicesvideo

ASK: I’m afraid my water will break in public, how do I handle it...

Water Breaks in Public "Afraid your water will break in public? It most likely will not, but if it does, it's not like in the...

ASK: How do I get the most out of my prenatal appointments with my...

Make The Most of Your Prenatal Appointments So, how can you make the time you spend with your doctor at your prenatal appointment? The most...

ASK: What does it mean for my body to be in alignment before, during...

Imortance of Proper Alignment "So the reason why it's so important for your body to be in alignment (during) pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy is because...

ASK: I’m afraid of how my life will change after I have a baby?

Perception Versus Reality It's so funny thinking about what life would be like after I gave birth. I thought I'd be resigned to my home...

ASK: What are the physical changes that happen in my body during the third...

Physical Changes in the Third Trimester "The (physical) changes for the mom and baby during the third trimester are all getting things ready for the...